
I'm on TheBump.com!

Exciting news, people: I am now a featured guest blogger for TheBump.com! It’s a sister site of TheKnot.com. Remember the Knot? If you were anything like me, you became addicted to the site the minute you got that engagement ring on your finger. I would spend HOURS debating the benefits of bridesmaid dresses, looking for centerpiece ideas, learning new terms like tussy-mussy ... But I digress.

For the Bump, I will be blogging twice a month about the stuff that concerns me now, as a frumpy old wife and mom. For my first post, I use my hard-won expertise (and I use that term lightly) to answer new moms’ frequently asked questions. For instance, what’s up with pregnancy-induced cankles? Is my baby normal? And why is my husband such a jackass? Head on over to TheBump.com and find out!


K said...

Congrats! That's awesome. I'm on my way over there to check it out now.

Loukia said...

SO exciting! I will check it out for sure! I was addicted to theknot.com when I was engaged... loved it! Yay for you, congrats!

katie said...

Congrats! That article was crazy funny--and so very true. Thanks for being so candid and honest for all those mommies-to-be out there!

princealexsmomma said...

You rock! I love it.

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