
Perception vs. Reality

If you’re a fan of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” like I am (mmmm, Ty Pennington...) then you may be familiar with Paige Hemmis, the perky blonde designer/handywoman with an excessive fondness for the color pink. I was surprised to learn from a recent article in People (which, let’s face it, is where I get 90% of my news these days) that she once suffered from debilitating depression.

The part that struck me was when she said she was afraid to tell people about it because there she was, working on this show helping people suffering from all sorts of major problems, and she felt guilty that she wasn’t happy with her supposedly great life.

How sad for her. How sad that she felt she wasn’t "allowed" to be depressed because she "should" be happy. How sad that she isolated herself from her friends and family rather than talk about the struggles she was going through. Does this sound at all familiar? It does to me.

There have been many, many times when I’ve complained about how hard my life is -- being home with 2 little ones, trying to squeeze in my writing work where I can, having a husband who works long hours at a stressful job, living far away from family, dealing with financial stress, etc. And I’ve been brought up short by someone else or by my own internal dialogue. “Stop it! You’ve got so much to be thankful for,” they/I insist. “You have 2 beautiful, healthy children, a husband who loves you, and a roof over your head.” And it’s true, I do.

And yet, when I hear stories like Hemmis’ I wonder, are we doing ourselves a disservice by putting on a happy face, pretending everything’s peachy and going about our lives? Are we doing OTHERS a disservice?

I heard through the grapevine that an acquaintance whose baby is about the same age as mine is suffering from postpartum depression. This came as a surprise to me because I recently ran into her at the park and she seemed fine. (Whatever that means.) It got me thinking about how perception and reality are often vastly different.

If anyone were to see me on a random weekday morning, for instance, they might think: “Look at that chick in her gym clothes with her Starbucks. Must be nice.” They might see me as a privileged lady of leisure, pampering herself while her kids are at school or with a nanny. I doubt they would think, “Look at that poor, overwhelmed mom hanging onto her last shred of sanity through exercise and a small indulgence during a rare hour to herself.”

It just goes to show, you never know what’s going on with someone else. That stranger with the perfect body/job/marriage/life might not be so perfect after all. It’s liberating in a way, isn’t it? Knowing that even celebrities don’t get a free pass to avoid life’s struggles. And humbling, too.

OK, this is getting a little too serious, so let’s lighten things up. How cute are Rebecca Romijn’s twins?? And what is UP with the wacky celebrity baby names, Nicole Richie?!

VIDEO O’ THE WEEK: Lower the volume, cover your ears. I have captured “The Scream” on video. Tell me listening to this 24/7 isn’t enough to send you to the loony bin!


April said...

excellent post today. Thanks for bringing this up.

Becky said...

I know that scream....my Lil Man makes that same, um, sound. I keep trying to ignore him...hoping if he doesn't get attention for it, he'll move on to something else :)

tineroche said...

So Post is soooooooo true.
Anyway, the scream is movie ready!!! I really feel for you. The other day my little one screamed and the pitch was at a frequency where I thought my eardrums would burst. My 3 year old had to leave the room. It really hurt his ears. It's amazing what comes out of these little buggers. :)

Theta Mom said...

Oh, that scream sounds like it's coming form my house! I'm with ya girl! Just found your blog since I have been following you on twitter! Looking forward to reading more. ;)

Mom2Miles said...

Thanks, commenters old & new! I WISH I could ignore it, but I don't want all the glass in my house to shatter. That would just mean more work for me. ;)

Sarah said...

Amazing that you posted this today. I have been feeling really sorry for myself about having to return to work after 7 months of maternity leave. Today I tried to remind myself that I should be grateful for having a job, for having my son, my husband, etc. etc. but this post is true. I probably shouldn't compare my life to anyone else's. And if I want to miss my son every day I suppose that's my right! Thanks for starting the discussion.

Jenni said...

Oh, honey. I'm so in touch with the scream. My youngest is a screamer and it's just gotten LOUDER as he's grown.

I'm so glad you wrote this because, you know, when someone stops you mid-sentence to tsk tsk that you shouldn't be complaining, it's really disempowering. There's a lot to be said for a positive attitude, but also for honesty and balance. I'm often the mom hanging onto the last shred of sanity, too. Thanks.

Loukia said...

Great post... too often I feel guilty when I feel depressed or unhappy because I realize how good I have it - by that I mean, a house, two wonderful children, a husband, food to eat, a job, etc... but really, we can't always be happy, you know? Even though, of course, at the park, I'm happy and smiling and will make small talk with you and you'd never know if I was really having a down or stressful day. Great post...

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

It's really true. Everyone has some kind of craziness they are dealing with, even if everything looks a-okay on the outside. I think that's why it's so important not to be quick to judge or assume things.

I have to admit though that when I watch Extreme Home Makeover (I love it too), it does make me more appreciative of the things I haven't had to endure and helps me put my own trials into perspective. And yet I still have my days so I can understand why Paige would feel that way...That must have been so hard for her.

I hope she'll be back on the show this season.

khadija said...

I love your blog!

Sharyn said...

I know I shouldnt laugh, as it will probably bring the karma train down on my head at full speed, but The Scream video gave me the MUCH needed giggles after a stressful day with a 4 month old teething and with a cold. I just found your blog tonight, and I'm so relieved! Wonderful work.

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