
What's On My Mind, Part XVII

What I am happy about right now:

  • HGTV, specifically “Design on a Dime” and “Find Your Style”
  • Pecan braids and mango Ceylon tea at Panera
  • Having someone besides me clean my house while I am at Panera

What I don’t have the time or energy to think about right now:
  • Facebook -- pros & cons. (Even my dad is on it now!)
  • Twitter -- what's the point?
  • Renovating our basement into a guest room
  • Pull-out couch vs. Aerobed vs. futon

What I am stressed out about right now:

  • When this baby will arrive and/or if I will have to be induced (again)
  • Post-partum depression
  • Miles deciding to take potty training seriously a week before his baby brother is due
  • Where our houseguests will sleep

Funny stuff Miles said this week:

  • “Hooray for Dada! Hooray for trucks! Hooray for sharks!”
  • “That look like a seahorse.” (Pointing at some bird poop on the car window.)
  • “Mom, do you like the scary lady (aka Cruella De Vil) when you’re a little girl?”
  • “I don’t like crabs.” (He’s developed this strange crab phobia. At bedtime he’s convinced there are crabs on his ceiling that are going to pinch him. This is all the more funny because we live in Baltimore. Crabs are big here.)

Stuff I bookmarked this week:

  • McMommy’s Q&A on blogging and social networking. Plus, the very funny “Stages of Facebook” (I’m currently at Stage 2).
  • The Potty Boot Camp. I downloaded and read this in one night. I actually think the chapter on “reluctant poopers” helped. (Tip: lock your kid in the bathroom with no pants!) No overnight success, but well worth the $5.95.
ice creamLESSON O’ THE WEEK: Motherhood can be such a demanding and gut-wrenching job (in the best possible way, of course!) that you won’t survive unless you replenish yourself regularly. This is a lesson I have to keep learning over and over, but I ALWAYS feel better after I do something just for myself. Sometimes that means an hour-long massage or seeing a movie with a friend. Other times, it’s running to the corner store for ice cream and a trashy magazine after my kid’s in bed.

BTW, did you know Tiger Woods just had a baby boy? And Salma Hayek got married?!


April said...

Thinking of you and your lists! Hope all goes well. I just like the Miles remarks. also thanks for the totlol link. LOVE.IT. I even posted it in my status on FB....

Anonymous said...

We've gotten 3 of those birth announcements already! They must be "the thing".

Maybe you'll be able to blog from your labor and delivery room if things go as slowly as they did for MILES! I'm praying for you for that NOT to be the case - GOOD LUCK

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Ice cream usually does the trick for me too. But last night, I really treated myself and went to a movie...ALL BY MYSELF!!! It was awesome.

I'm sure all will go well for you with your new arrival. And don't worry about the house guests...they can fend for themselves. :)

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