
Is This a Good Time?

Not my babyI admit it. Pre-motherhood, I used to get annoyed when I’d call my friends who had kids and the conversation would go like this:

Me: “Hi, how are you?”

My friend: “Exhausted. The baby was up at -- No, you can’t have another Go-Gurt! -- 2 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. for no apparent reason and then -- We do NOT sit on our brother’s head!! -- I had to take the car into the shop but -- Hey! Can’t you guys SEE that I am on the PHONE?! The next person who talks gets a time out!… Sorry. You there? Now what was I saying?”

Me: “Um, I’ll let you go. Bye!”

Now I am that annoying, distracted person on the other end. And I’ve learned to start conversations with, “Can you talk?” I used to say, “Are you busy?” But come on, when is a mom NOT busy? If her kids aren’t bleeding and she can chat while she changes a diaper, that’ll do.

BTW, have you noticed that “busy” has replaced “fine” as the default answer to “How are you?” Some people say it as if it’s a badge of honor. “Oh, I’m just SO busy with work and planning my parents’ 30th anniversary party, and plus I’m chairing the committee to ban cupcakes at school and did I mention I’m training for a 10K? I never even have a moment to sit down!” I hate those people. I go out of my way to avoid being busy. Ever. It’s just too stressful.

Unfortunately, stress is unavoidable when you’re a mom. And anyway, the challenge of finding time for a phone call is not really a matter of being busy, but rather, available. It’s not that I’m too busy doing something productive -- like, say, unloading the dishwasher -- when somebody calls. It’s that I’m preoccupied by my son who’s trying to float his Legos in the dog’s water bowl. Or that I can’t talk because he’s just launched himself off the coffee table.

Often, Miles waits until I’m on the phone to do something bad. He knows I’m distracted and will probably let it go. Like, say, if he dumps an entire cup of water on the floor. Or crushes his crackers into the carpet with his truck. When I was away last weekend I called C. at home and heard him yelling, “Miles, stop that!” While C. was on the phone our son had gone into the pantry, grabbed a box of spaghetti, and had thrown it on the floor and was stomping on it.

So if you call me and our conversation is interrupted 7 times in the first 3 minutes, I apologize. If I seem distracted, it doesn’t mean I’m not listening. I can fish a spatula out of the toilet and talk at the same time. Don’t bother asking if it’s a good time to talk because there’s never going to BE a good time. Now, what were you saying again?

TIP O’ THE WEEK: If you don’t have caller I.D., get it. It’s worth the extra $5 a month. My in-laws even have the kind where an automated voice tells you who’s calling. Then you don’t break your neck dashing for the phone in case it’s an emergency, only to get a telemarketer asking how you’re doing this evening.

And also, this came as a shock to me, but YOU DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER EVERY CALL WHEN IT COMES THROUGH. You can call people back at a better time. They’ll never know. Honest.

READ O' THE WEEK: 5 Reasons Why Mom Blogs Are the Blogs to Watch. But we already knew that, right? ;)


Jenny said...

Oh, Amen to avoiding being busy. I can't stand having a crazy schedule with every minute planned. Life is crazy enough, right?

Great post.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head! Now, put one mom on the phone with another mom and you've got the makings of a really good comedy hour!

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

before i was a mom i totally remember those conversations where the other person is so distracted...now i get it. :-) *elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Great post! Totally relate to everything you said, especially the part about busy as a badge of honor. If you're not busy, people think something is wrong with you. Then they start volunteering you for things to make you busy :)

Anne B. said...

heh... I don't even answer my phone anymore!

::Sylvia:: said...

I'm still laughing from the phone scenario. I found your blog from the Writer Mama Ezine, I'll definitely be checking back!

Veronica said...

It never ceases to amaze me how moms can keep a conversation going through a constant series of interruptions. Even in real life, at playgroup, that's how it goes. "Blah, de blah, STOP THAT, blah, blah, IF HE'S NOT BLEEDING THEN YOU NEED TO JUST GO PLAY, blah, de blah? Blah, DON'T PUT THAT IN YOUR SISTER'S HAIR."

Anonymous said...

Several years ago, while I was on the phone accepting my current job, my son splashed water from the dog's bowl on the floor, added dry dog to the water, and then sat in it. If I remember correctly, I think I actually swore into the phone, then felt the need to quickly explain why. Somehow, I still got the job.

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