I ran into a friend at the playground who mentioned that her neighbor had recently quit her job as a lawyer to stay home with her 2 small kids. I found this interesting. You always hear people say, “Oh, I wish I could stay home with my kids.” But what about the other way around? How often do you hear a stay-at-home mom say, “I wish I could go back to work”?
Obviously, I know moms who stayed home for a while and then went back to their old jobs. To me, that’s more like extended maternity leave. I’m talking about people who have every intention of being a SAHM but change their minds and go look for a job. People who say, “You know what? I was wrong. This isn’t for me. My kids are far better off in daycare, and I’d rather go to an office everyday than play one more game of Candyland.”
‘Cause the thing is, I’m kind of leaning that way. Yup. I admit it. As I’ve said many times here, I never had the intention of being either a full-time work-outside-the-home mom or a 100% SAHM. I hate labels. And I sort of thought I could straddle the fence, have the best of both worlds as a work-at-home writer.
And for awhile, I did. Between preschool, a sitter, and my son’s 2-hr. naps, I had a decent chunk of time to devote to my freelance work -- until my second son was born last winter. Then, the balance tipped. This baby’s fussier. My husband changed jobs. The economy tanked. My toddler stopped napping. The sitter didn’t have room for an infant. All of a sudden, I’ve found myself to be less and less a WAHM and more and more a SAHM. (There are those labels again…)
And I gotta say, I’m not loving it. Partly, we’re in a hard stage because the baby’s still napping 2-3x/day and my 3 y.o. wants to get up and go every day. (I tell him all the time, “We’re not going anywhere this morning. No playdates, no parks, no Target, sorry. Sometimes we just STAY HOME.” BTW, how ironic is it that SAHMs rarely stay home?) So the 2 ages are tough.
And partly, I’m worried about money and germs. Huh? What I mean is, we really don’t need to be going to Chick-fil-A or Target or the mall every day, just to get out of the house. I’m not that into recreational spending. Not when that money could be used for a sitter! But the free places – the library, the gym, storytimes – are germ fests. What do YOU think people do with their kids all day when they’re too sick for school? Not all of them stay home, I’ll tell you that!
A lot of my friends are similarly germophobic right now, so that also means fewer playdates. (Coupled with the fact that some preschools are Mon.-Wed.-Fri. and others are Tue.-Thurs., plus factor in siblings’ naptimes and schedules, good luck EVER finding a time that works for both of you!)
So that means I’m stuck in the house a LOT with 2 kids with very different needs who both need a LOT from me, and very LITTLE time to devote to work or writing or seeing my friends or any of my other interests. (If you think I could be doing that stuff at night, you’ve obviously never spent a day with 2 energetic kids who wake up at 5:30 a.m. and keep going full throttle till 8 p.m.)
Plus, my husband and I are totally in that “ships passing in the night” phase. (“You take Miles to gym class and I’ll stay home with Riley. Then we’ll switch so I can run to the grocery store and you can put the baby down for his nap. But first, let’s synchronize our watches!”)
It all adds up to a not very balanced life. Which is why I’ve been daydreaming about daycare lately.
There is this, though: I had Miles’ parent-teacher conference the other day. He got a glowing report. And I left with a glowing feeling. After all, I’ve been home with him for 3.5 years, so I deserve SOME credit, right?LINK O’ THE WEEK: Hybrid Mom, the print magazine, and HybridMom.com have the right approach for label-shunners like me. Recognition that moms are a lot of different things. Plus, I love their tagline: “Mother your ambitions.”
RECALL O’ THE WEEK: Maclaren is recalling 1M strollers, due to a possible finger-amputation risk. Super.
Can SAHMs Quit?
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2:50 PM
Labels: recalls, stay-at-home-mom, work-at-home-mom
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Hi Abigail,
You made me laugh! I feel for your predicament. I've been there. I promise you it will get better, but not easier. Older kids have more complex issues to contend with. I have four and have at times felt like I lost myself somewhere in the shuffle of motherhood. Eventually you discover a balance that works for you, allowing you time for yourself. Time provides perspective, a clearer lens to look through. Hnag in there!
I never intended to be a SAHM. I intended to be a WAHM, but I've been more SAHM than not. Sigh. It's not always my thing, I don't always know what to do with my kids and I don't always want to play Legos!
Yeah, I've definitely wanted to quit multiple times.
Ok, Abby. This is freaky! We must be channeling each other. I so feel your pain. And, as the previous commenter said, it DOES get better. It really, really does.
I love the whole hybrid mom idea. It is hard to find a balance, especially during the baby & preschool years I feel like all I do lately is clean, cook, and do laundry. UGH! How fulfilling is that? We've been stuck in the house a lot too. Lack of funds, fear of germs, not really knowing anyone around here...so I totally how you feel.
I completely sympathize with everything you've said. Germs, not wanting to spend money just to get out of the house, lack of spousal time, the whole works. I'm not sure what the solution is, only that for our part, we keep pounding away at the fulcrum, trying to find balance. I absolutely detest playing (kind of an occupational hazard for someone who actually intends to be a SAHM!), so I've always made my kids play without me, even if it was just on the floor next to the computer. Even if I have to work listening to whining for a while. And I also bow to the inevitable, that we are going to get sick...I have a 2-y-o with Down's who has been in the hospital for respiratory stuff 5 times now, and it doesn't seem to matter how much handwashing I do. Finally I came to the conclusion that she's just going to get sick, and there's no sense in curtailing life to try to avoid it.
Hope you find your balance.
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