
Life Beyond Baby

It may not be something everyone admits, but staying home with a baby can eventually get kind of, well, boring. Babies aren’t exactly the best conversationalists, and daytime TV is pretty lame. So what’s a new mom to do?

I found out after my first baby that activities for new moms are severely limited. Even so, I ventured out to every breastfeeding support group and story time I could find. I even squeezed myself into too-small gym clothes and attempted to do yoga with a sweaty baby on my hip. Yeah, I was that desperate for adult interaction.

Read more about my search for a mom-and-baby social life at TheBump.com:

1 comment:

Loukia said...

Great article on The Bump! I can relate, too. Things were overall easier when baby number 2 came along. The activities I wanted to do with my first son would somehow always be during his nap time!

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