
Ready As I’ll Ever Be

Baby Bump

It’s official: I’m having another baby. Yep, I’m about 14 weeks pregnant with #2. Like this picture of Miles modeling a mini “baby bump”? For your convenience, the rest of this post will be written in a FAQ style.

Q: Were you trying?/Was this planned?/Are you ready for another?

A: This question is usually preceded by a pause or stunned-sounding “Wow” or “Really?” To be fair, this is from people who’ve been privy to particularly candid and/or sordid accounts of my experiences and/or struggles with motherhood. Oh, who am I kidding? That’s the whole Internet!

But seriously, the first time I got this reaction it might have hurt my feelings had it not come from the aunt who ran away to the spa with me when the pressures of motherhood got to be just a wee bit much. OK, she witnessed my near-nervous breakdown. So I can hardly fault her for wondering whether I’m insane to have another baby.

As for other people who’ve said this, do I really give the impression that motherhood is SO arduous and unappealing that’s it’s simply inconceivable (pun intended) that I’d have another child? That’s too bad. I thought it went without saying that the good outweighs the bad, but maybe not.

And lastly, there is no good answer to “Are you ready?” Even if I wasn’t, it’s too late now! The best you can hope for is “ready enough.”

Q: So what made you decide to have another?

A: Lots of things, including the fact that I have a sibling and C. has several. We wanted Miles to have that kind of relationship, too. And it won’t hurt him to learn he’s not the center of the universe. Also, he loves other kids. Hopefully his sibling will share his limitless appetite for playing trucks and knocking things down. Might take some of the pressure off Mom and Dad!

Q: So how did you know you were pregnant?

A: OK, this is a made-up question. No one asked me this. But I’ll tell you how I DIDN’T know -- the 3 negative pregnancy tests!! 99% accurate, my ass! They weren’t even the store brand this time. By the third one, taken when I was several weeks late, we decided the faint double line was a “maybe.” But like last time, I wasn’t convinced until I saw that fuzzy little lima bean on the sonogram.

Q: How are you feeling?

A: People, never ask a pregnant woman this unless you really, really want the answer. But since you asked… Until about a week ago I would’ve said fine, except for the bone-crushing fatigue. I’ve had to take a nap almost every single day when Miles does. And I’m NOT a napper. But who knows if it’s due to the pregnancy or to chasing after a 2-year-old all day.

I had some nausea and loss of appetite, conveniently in the evening, just in time to get out of cooking dinner. Nothing too bad. UNTIL about a week ago. That’s when “morning” sickness hit like a freight train. Apparently I’m the only person in history to be afflicted starting in my second trimester.

Unable to keep anything down and almost unable to remain upright for more than an hour, I tried every remedy in the book. Ginger tea, ginger candy, peppermint tea, Saltines, Sea-Bands, Tums, eating before I got out of bed, even prescription Reglan … nothing worked. It was awful, people, awful. My heart goes out to those who suffer 9 whole mos. of this. Knock on wood, the past few days have been much better. I’ve been able to expand my diet of ramen and Gatorade.

So that’s it! Diary of a New Mom has come full circle. Stay tuned to see how this kid turns out. In the meantime, has anyone invented belly armor yet? Because Miles’ elbows and knees are posing a serious threat to my growing abdomen. Ouch!

TIP O’ THE WEEK: I didn’t try these and I can’t vouch for them, but a couple people swore by baked potatoes and chocolate bars to quell morning sickness. I think this is a case of “whatever works.”

RECIPE O’ THE WEEK: Now that I have my appetite back, and because for some reason I crave lemons when I’m pregnant, I made these yummy Oatmeal Lemon Bars this weekend.


leila said...

i'm so happy for you! it is GOOD news---the best!

i had about two months of morning sickness, and it really is worse than you can imagine---i remember that you didn't have "morning" sickness in your first pregnancy, right?

my only tips regarding managing the worst of it are to eat frequently, almost constantly, during the day. tiny little snacky things, or whatever you feel like eating.

i'm about five months' pregnut now, and i can't believe that my baby seems to be growing "perfectly" considering all i ate for the second and third months of her life were white bread rolls, raw ramen noodles, and sprite. (by the way, normally i'm a health-conscious vegetarian who never buys soda or white bread anything.)

you can also get sea-sickness wrist bands, which have plastic-bobble bits that sit on pressure points inside your wrists, which i found to be useful, especially on an international flight. they are for nausea in general, not just sea-sickness.

i can't imagine how you do the neverending nausea WITH a toddler in your life! i can only hope that it ends soon for you, because it really is exhausting and awful. i know. believe it or not, it WILL end, and you'll be an expert at reading the stages of digestion of your body by then!

take care,

Mom2Miles said...

Thanks, Leila! That's so funny - I can totally relate to the white bread & Sprite diet. It seems so counter-intuitive to eat all the time when you feel sick, though, doesn't it? You're right - I had NONE of this w/ Baby #1. Luckily I am feeling much better these days so maybe the worst is over, fingers crossed!! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!

Beowulfa said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!! I look forward to many blog stories as you progress.

Anonymous said...

I loved the recipe! And so did all my friends, including a pregnant one too. Thank you for posting. And thank you for writing such funny, insightful posts. I'm glad to have discovered your blog!

~amber~ said...


(I discovered your blog in a blog roll from someone else, just so you know.)

I hope you are feeling better now. I had 9 months of HORRIBLE sickness with my daughter. Thank goodness it was not that way with my son.

Mom2Miles said...

Thanks, all!! It's exciting to share the news.

Glad you liked the recipe! :)

Angie Goodloe LMT, Herbalist said...

I have a nine week old and a 22 month old- and I'm still alive! There is no way to get 'ready' you just do it:)

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

So, obviously, I've missed a few posts! I was just reading your most recent "Me Time" post and saw the word "prenatal" and immediately went over to your archives. Congratulations! I'm glad you are feeling better. I stay sick for @ 20 weeks and have developed a major food aversion to saltines. ick!

Okay...back to your other post. I've got some catching up to do!

princealexsmomma said...

So happy for you! Email me - we should get the boys together for a playdate? Are you going to find out if it is brother or sister?(before the birth, I mean!)

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